How being an au pair can change your life

Becoming an au pair is more than just an opportunity to live abroad. It's a transformative experience that can change your life in many different ways. Here is how.

A signpost with two directions - old life and new life

August 21, 2024

, in Au pairs

1. Reconnecting with your inner child

Spending time with children allows you to rediscover the joy of simple things: singing on the way home, playing in the park or inventing silly stories to pass the time. As an au pair, you’ll often feel like a kid again, and you’ll find yourself loving it.

2. Immersive language learning

When first arriving in your host country, your language knowledge might be limited to the basics. Living with a local host family allows you to immerse yourself in the language the whole day. Whether it is listening to the radio, chatting with the kids or socialising with new friends, you’ll be constantly learning. Attending a language school with people from around the world also pushes you to improve rapidly.

3. Discovering the joy of travel

The more you travel, the more you crave it. Living abroad as an au pair amplifies this wanderlust. During your time as an au pair you can explore many different cities and maybe even go on backpacking trips across the continent. Every free moment is definitely an opportunity to find a new adventure!

4. Appreciating what parenthood really means

Keeping up with energetic kids, persuading them to do homework or resolving typical sibling-situations, being an au pair gives you a firsthand look at how challenging parenting can be.This is probably the moment when you really start to truly appreciate what your parents did for you, understanding the patience and love they poured into raising you.

5. Seeing your home country through new eyes

After a period of time abroad, returning to your home country might feel very strange. Everything looks the same, but you’ve probably changed. Now is the point where you can start being a tourist in your own city and where you probably realise that your time away actually makes you cherish your family and friends in a whole new way.

6. Experiencing a culture from the inside

Living with a host family gives you a deep connection to the culture of your host country. You gain time to truly appreciate its traditions, make long-lasting friendships and blend the best of both worlds: your own and your host country’s. The personal growth and experiences you gain as an au pair are really unique, offering insights and memories that last a lifetime.

That’s why becoming an au pair can be life-changing. it’s a journey that broadens your horizons, helps you grow and makes the world a better place!

Ana Paula

About the author:
Ana Paula is Brazilian and have been au pair for 3 times: in Germany, Luxembourg and Italy, where she currently lives and works as a digital marketing strategist. She also has published the Au Pair's Diary in Portuguese, a book in which she tells about her experiences as au pair and shares many tips about cultural exchange and travelling in Europe. To find out more about her book and buy a copy, you can go to her website.