new prices

New Premium Membership prices

After 9 years of constant prices, we are adjusting our Premium price model with the aim of continuing to deliver the same great value to host families organising an au pair stay.

New Pricing

26 april 2024

, in AuPairWorld News

It has always been a key part of AuPairWorld's mission to use the power and potential of the internet to make the win-win benefits of au pairing available to families and young people at truly affordable prices.  

  • Young people, of course, use AuPairWorld’s matching and information services free of charge. 
  • For host familes prices have remained unchanged for the last 9 years.

New prices starting May 02

Now in 2024, we will be introducing a new price model with the aim of continuing to provide the great value that makes au pairing a realistic and affordable option for all interested families.  

New Prices

The idea behind the new model

If you look closely, you'll notice that the price for our most popular Premium option Premium M for €69.90 (formerly Premium Plus) for three months has not changed at all! The decision to keep this price the same has two important reasons:

  1. It reflects our wish to make sure that our platform services remain affordable for all families.
  2. It is based on our knowledge that most families find the 3-month option the most practical for conducting a successful au pair search.

3 different options for different family requirements

The new price model continues to give families lots of choices. In addition to Premium M (see above), we also have two other options:

  • Premium S at €49.90 for one month is available for quick searches and fast decisions. 
  • Premium L at €89.90 for six months gives more time and more flexibility for families who would like to have a wider search window.

All three price options, of course, offer access to one of the most creative, flexible and culturally enriching forms of childcare available.

Opening the door to that experience for au pairs and families together is what we aim to continue to do at AuPairWorld. We do that by providing comprehensive information on au pairing in 22 different countries, by sharing advice and tips from the AuPairWorld experts and the AuPairWorld community, and by delivering great search functionality at fair and reasonable prices.