Local agency support for families in the UK

SmartAuPairs offers everything UK families need to navigate the new post-Brexit au pairing landscape and ensure a great au pair stay after matching on AuPairWorld. 

Smart Aupair Header - Child playing with wooden toys

Two simple steps to au pair stay success

Step 1:

Icon Find with magnifying glass

Use your Premium Membership to conduct a global search, concentrating on eligible au pairs from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa and Ireland.

Step 2:

Icon Exchange with speech bubbles

Get in touch with Smart Au Pairs. They have 3 flexible service levels for UK families to handle all requirements!

Your benefits with SmartAuPairs

Icon Expert
Expert handling of all official requirements including new UK minimum wage guidelines
Icon Family
3 flexible service levels for different family needs
Icon Meet-up
Regular online and in-person meet-ups for au pairs


Icon Working Rights
Optional vetting service including UK working rights and placement guidance
Icon Contract
Optional employment au pair contract and payroll support service
Icon Google
Top Google ratings (4.9)


SmartAuPairs has established a strong reputation with its friendly professionalism and can-do flexibility and is perfectly positioned to help self-matching families.